Well, there’s a new book in town. 🙂
And to help it along a bit, I’m having a multi-prize contest. To participate in this contest, purchase a copy of Private Arrangements in the first 2 weeks of its release (3.25.08—4.7.08). Send me a scan of your receipt to writer sherry thomas at gmail dot com, with the subject “ARC Contest”, or send me a physical copy of your receipt to Sherry Thomas, P.O.Box 201372, Austin, TX 78720-1372. Three winners will each receive an advance copy of Delicious, my August 2008 release. And three more entrants will each receive, as a consolation prize, a beautiful Private Arrangements t-shirt.
The drawing will be held on May 1, 2008.
And now, the victim winner of the query consultation contest is–drum roll please–CM. Please contact me at writersherrythomas at gmail dot com to claim your prize. (And please be a little patient with me as I must wrap up copyedits on Delicious in
the next couple of days as well as a number of other PA publicity-related items.)
Wow, Sherry–B&N sent Private Arrangements to me last week. I didn’t realize it was early. Was that naughty of them?
In any case, it’s seemed like a long wait to me. I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time, and I hope your new release weeks are smashing!
Wow, it’s today already. I’ll be checking out my bookstores to get my copy. I so want to win an ARC of Delicious (I’m very impatient you know). It was a year ago that I was first introduced to ‘Schemes of Love’ and the release date was at the time, November of 2007. I remember when I found out it was pushed to March. I thought, Good Lord, I can’t possibly wait that long for it. And God willing, I didn’t have to. I hope I won’t have to wait until August to read Delicious!!!
Enjoy your release day Sherry!
Happy release day. And I can’t believe I won!
Thank you, Sherry!
Sherry, will PA be released as an e-book (non Kindle)?
Awful naughty of them. 🙂
Thank you!
I always like the looks of a happy victim. 🙂
RandomHouse.com provides a
page of links to ebook retailers. But I don’t think everyone one of them carries PA. I don’t see it on Fictionwise. It’s there on
Powells and
ebook.com. Not sure which is your preferred vendor, but yes, it is available in non-kindle formats. Hope this helps.
Congrats, Sherry! Hope it’s a smashing debut.
Hi, I’ve discovered you through Dear Author and The Good, The Bad, and The Unread. I hope to pick up a copy of PA at your signing on April 5th – not much before the contest deadline ends!
Oh, dear. I didn’t really expect anyone I didn’t know to show up at the book signing. Now I’ll have to find my lipstick somewhere. 🙂
I’ll be delighted to meet you.
Sherry, I’ve already emailed you my fangirly praises along with my entry to the ARC contest under another of my online names, but I figured I’d also share a link to my more coherent public review with you and my fellow blog readers.
It’s here: http://miaserena.livejournal.com/5146.html
Thanks again for a marvelous read; congrats on a great book!
Hee hee 😀
Haha, don’t worry about the lipstick – I rarely bother with it myself.
Mia Serene,
I’m not quite sure I was really able to read your lovely review of PA. My eyes kind of lose focus before really extravagant praise–I think it is probably a defense mechanism of some sort to prevent my ego from swelling correspondingly. 🙂 But thank you for the extravangant praise and thank you for taking the time to write it.
Thanks for the reply Sherry. I will try to tone it down next time, hee 🙂
Congrats CM for winning!
And wow, Sherry, I just loved PA! There aren’t enough words of praise and fangirl love I have for your novel. Totally feel like how you did in your review of Bettie Sharpe (sp.).
Actually that is a ::big smile::.