The 2008 Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction ended on May 31. And my box of lovely chocolate truffles went for $305!
::Picks self off the floor::
And today I got notice that the bidder paid. I’m not sure I believed she would but she did. I’m stupefied.
::Tells self that it is a beautiful, beautiful box of chocolates. And comes with an ARC of Delicious too::
Congratulations to the winner and my baffled and enormous gratitude too. And thank you also to everyone who bid on the chocolate truffles.
In other news, this time there are no chocolate truffles involved, but Romantic Times is giving away 5 signed ARCs of Delicious on its website. So go forth and enter and win yourself a free book. And I was still noticeably editing the book during the page proof stage (after the ARC was printed), so if there’s anything you don’t like in the ARC, just think that it was fixed in the end. 🙂
Welcome home, Sherry! $305?!?! Wow, what great news for diabetes research! I’m off to see if I can win me a book!
Congratulations, the $305 is well deserved! That auction really is amazing.
Congratulations! What a great way to support such an important cause.
I was wondering, does it scare you to send your ARCs out there, knowing there are some changes? I sent my ms to my sister the other day and it took me forever to “just do it” because I was afraid I would find a ton of things that needed to be changed…things I had missed after what feels like fifteen million revisions! :0)
Thanks for the heads up on the RT contest – I’m going to win one of those ARCs!
$305!!! Good for you and Brenda. She’s a nice lady. I’m glad your auction went well.
Let me know when you get the reviews for your book. I’ll post some up on my blog and maybe we can do a follow up interview! You did so great on the last one. 🙂
And welcome home!
well,lets try if this will be posted
Dang it, I miss a lot when I don’t check in more often. Well, I’ll get my copy of Delicious at your signing at National! Whee!