The content of the dedication and acknowledgment pages from PRIVATE ARRANGEMENTS, a good substitution for a thanksgiving post. I’m a lucky gal and I’m infinitely grateful for all the wonderful people in my life and the interesting roads I’ve traveled.
For my mother. There are few joys in life greater than that of having you as my mother
To the memory of my grandfather. I will always miss you. And to the memory of my grandmother, for loving books as much as I did.
Because I’m sure to forget someone, if you are reading this now, let me say thank you. Thank you for everything.
Now onto specifics.
Miss Snark, for her unqualified recommendation of Kristin Nelson via her snarkalicious—and much lamented—blog. Kristin Nelson, for living up to every last one of those recommendations and then some. Sara Megibow, for being the first person besides myself to read this book, and e-mailing Kristin late at night telling her she’d better get reading too.
Caitlin Alexander, my editor and Fairy Godmother—for making me feel like Cinderella. Everyone at Bantam, for treating me so well and publishing me so beautifully.
All my friends, classmates, and professors at the UT MPA program. It was a great year and I think of you with such fondness—in particular, Professor Fabio, who should have graced my cover.
Everyone at the Harrington Fellowship program, for everything. And putting my picture in the New York Times on top of it.
All my friends and sisters from Austin RWA. You guys are the best.
Janine, Jane, and Sybil. Bloggers rock.
Sue Yuen—for her excellent advice on Schemes of Love and for all the good times.
Mary Balogh, Jane Feather, and Eloisa James—for their generous praises. I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you and the honor of cleaning your houses.
My husband and sons, three of the cutest and kindest men in the world under one roof. The wonderful family I married into, everyone unfailingly supportive of my dreams, especially my grandfather-in-law, who backed up his prayers for my eventual publication with donations to that effect. You see, Appachen, it has come true.
Lovely and sincere and just like you, Sherry. I’m proud to know you!
Happy Thanksgiving, Sherry.
Thank you for a wonderful book!
Beautiful, Sherry! As one of your ARWA sisters, I can say, we’re proud to be in the same group with you. Very proud.
Yes, we are so proud of you and to be in the group with you! I’m so thrilled for you! And is that the cover of Delicious I see on the side? That too is gorgeous! Lucky you!
I know this probably is not the right place to leave my particular comment but I have to tell you this regardless… I cannot wait for your book to come out in coming March! I was trolling and read the excerpt of your book quite by accident. I then promptly fell in love with the story and could not wait to read the rest. I went right away to Amazon and pre-ordered it. It will be a long wait until March but it will be worth every minute, I am sure. I have to also tell you that English being my second language, I am further impressed with your wonderful writing. Kudos to you Ms. Thomas, you have a new fangirl in MA, USA.
Wow, Sherry! That is so sweet!!! Thank you muchly.
Michelle, Heather, and Lexi,
Let’s get wasted at the Xmas party! 🙂
Hi. It’s great hearing from you again!
There is no wrong place to leave your particular comment, as it really made my day. Thanks!
No, thank YOU muchly. xoxo
Woohoo, Sherry, I like your thinking!
Awww!! Lovely! And I…third?…what Heather and Lexi said.
And to the many years ahead of reading pleasure we readers and writers will have at your hands!! Beautiful dedication.
Sherry, a beautiful dedication. Too I had the joy reading about this at your site and i’m so excited about these releases! Too I’d love to know if you have a newsletter so when the day gets closer, I can get the book and all. Thanks! Its a joy to meet you!