DearAuthor is giving away 20 copies of PRIVATE ARRANGEMENTS. Final copies too, from what I understand. That Jane, she is scary efficient. I don’t even have final copies yet.
But anyway, if you want, go put your name in the hat. Usually these giveaway posts get 70 or so comments. So it’s like almost a 1/3 chance of getting something. Pretty darn good odds, I’d say.
And if you’ve already read PA, and want to say what you think, this is your chance too.
Full disclosure: I am good friends and critique partners with Janine of DearAuthor. But this review is by Jane, who does know me from Adam, but not much more than that. 🙂
ETA: The contest runs through 12 am CST, Friday, which means 11:59 pm CST Thursday, I guess.
I posted my thoughts on Private Arrangements in the comment threads on Dear Author. I figure since people know of our relationship now they can take it into account when reading my comments. And I couldn’t resist plugging the book, since I loved it so.
Final copies, eh? I can’t wait until they go on sale March 25th. I want to hold one in my hot little hands.
And everyone, if you think Private Arrangements is worth salivating over, wait ’til Delicious comes out.
Lol, Janine,
You are good for my ego.
And thanks for remembering DELICIOUS too.
I can’t wait to read your book in its entirety.
Unlike PA, which I was able to get an ARC last year in July at National’s, I have not had the privilege with Delicious. Buth then, at least I don’t have to wait over a year until it’s release.
Even I haven’t read the final version of Delicious yet, but the version I read was terrific, and absolutely lives up to its title. I love the melt-in-your-mouth richness of Sherry’s writing.
And Sherry — thanks!
DELICIOUS releases right around the time of RWA Nationals. Will you be there? I’ll save a copy for you at the Random House giveaway so you don’t have to stand in line. 😉
Not sure what you are thanking me for, but you are welcome always.
Dude, what’s your release date? Oh, March 25 (just saw it in Janine’s comment). Man, I thought it was early this month. Guess we’ve got a few more weeks to wait.
Hi Sherry,
Oooooh darn. I’m going to miss it this year. Unless something fantastic happens (like I get a contract),it’s just not in the cards this year.
I’ll go and buy it like the masses will, the day it comes out. 😉